
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I didn't want to blog

I really didn't want to blog, but I also didn't like the feeling of stashing my notes somewhere in the hard drive, and no one - like me - to share with. I would be missing something if someone like me didn't share his thoughts about living the way I would have wanted to think about living.

This blog is not just about my experience. They are philosophical reflections or re-examination of the meaning of living. The meaning of living covers a very wide area. Meaning of living encompasses my relationship with humans, environment, the 'Ground' of being, the effects technology and social events have on my way of thinking, believing and feeling.

This blog is not for everyone. It's for those who have traversed similar paths towards examining and re-examining life as it is lived, and thoughts as they are lived out. I do not claim to have the answers to, nor the insight into the nature of, Truth. Write I must. Think I must. If I do otherwise, I will be tortured by regrets for not doing what I have to do at least for myself.

These ideas that I put down are not permanent - although I sense that they're right. In time, they will have to be revisited, re-examined.

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